
What eyes don't see, the ears will not hear - how to use diagrams to make your work easier

About me

Józef Piecyk

Software Engineer at Schibsted Tech Polska

Bootcamp trainer

I know awesome waffles recipe

Presentation plan

  • why should we consider using diagrams
  • what benefits are in it for us
  • when should we consider them
  • which tools to use and how to use them


I'll call everything visual diagram.

The problem

  1. Complex(many details) and complicated(many parts) problems
  2. Multiple component communicating
  3. Multiple technical and business events
  4. Lack of clear naming and visibility
  5. Lack of documentation

These are not exclusive, can happen all at once!


  1. Make live easier
  2. Limit repetition
  3. Improve/enable debugging
  4. Make getting back into conversation easier
  5. Position yourself as an expert

How diagrams help us


  • show grouped things together
  • clearly define relations
  • group things visually

similar things together

Process discovery

  • divide events into groups
  • find patterns, missing parts

multiple steps


Names and meaning

  • some things are better named after you know what it is
  • things with different names maybe the same thing



Best tool is the one you actually use.

https://excalidraw.com/ - default

https://miro.com - collab with business, event storming

https://structurizr.com/dsl - C4 architecture

https://mermaid.live - dev docs

Why my tool isn't here? ;(



layered architecture






workspace {
    model {
        user = person "App user"
        github = softwareSystem "Github" 
        stripe = softwareSystem "Stripe"
        myApp = softwareSystem "my sample application" {
          frontend = container "Frontend" "Frontend for taskworld" "React" {
              loginPage = component "User management"
              productsPage = component "Shopping module for products"
          productApi = container "product api" "Microservice managing products" "Nest.js"{
              listingModule = component "listingModule"
              emailModule = component "email module"
              authModule = component "auth module"
              orderModule = component "order module"
              paymentModule = component "payment module"
          database = container "Database" "Database" "Mongo"
          redis = container "Redis" "Pub-sub" "Redis"

        # product display
        user -> productsPage "Displays product list"
        productsPage -> listingModule "Fetches product list"
        listingModule -> database "Gets products"
        # auth
        loginPage -> authModule "Logs in"
        authModule -> github "Authenticates user with github"
        authModule -> database "Authenticates user"
        # order
        productsPage -> orderModule "Creates order"
        orderModule -> emailModule "Sends notification"
        orderModule -> paymentModule "Triggers payment"
        paymentModule -> stripe "Processes payment"
        paymentModule -> redis "Publish event on successful purchase"        
    views {
        systemContext myApp {
            include *
        container myApp productApi {
            include *
        component productApi listingModule {
            include *
        theme default



graph LR
    ValuersService-->|Update case|IndicationModule
    ValuersService-->|Get users|WorkatoModule

Real life examples

Example - common components library


Example - impossible local login


To develop your application locally just setup the platform api and web which are responsible for integrating microfrontends. Then you'll need to develop your own feature web and api.

To authorize you'll be using JWT tokens that are signed by some api hidden behind the VPN so you won't access it anyways. Just get the token from live environment.


authorization flow

Example - call flow and bottleneck

structurizr IndicationFetchingFlow

Example - what is an automation

If there's an issue with naming showing elements in context can make us find new words to name it. We can also see that different people name same thing differently.


Example - how to structure our code


Example - write down thoughts and feelings

While we may be aware of some issues we might not see the scope of the problem. Writing it out allows us to digest it.


Example - explain why things don't work

We had a bug where if you imported styles from npm package using chakra it would use one of two styles available(npm package or local). Turns out since it uses React.Context you need to have same reference to the context. Since it's defined in node_modules you have to ensure it only has one copy of the library. To do it you need to mark @chakra-ui/react as peer dependencies.

chakra provider

Example - why are you calling it from backdoor


indication api structure

Example - payment flow

payment flow ]

Example - how are we testing


Example - app diagrams

Define elements and relations in application and them look at appropriate level.


structurizr auctionsWeb 2 structurizr 1 githubIntegration


Diagrams can save a lot pain and are easy to use. Just use them. Please.

https://excalidraw.com/ - default

https://miro.com - collab with business, event storming

https://structurizr.com/dsl - C4 architecture

https://mermaid.live - dev docs

Józef PiecykJózef Piecyk

Napisane przez Józef Piecyk psiate, tate i fana sucharów.